Monday, May 5, 2008

UT2004 Final Developed Model

ElectroLiquid Aggregation quote:
If we do discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few scientists. Then, together we must reestablish our connections with the natural world and with the Spiritual Power that is around us."

These images above represent Stephen Hawking's idea that a complete theory should be broad so that everyone can easily understand it, thus, the ramp opens up into the vastness depicting how a complete theory should be understood by the broad world, not only a few scientists.

Theses images exemplify the ElectroLiquid Aggregation quote by highlighting the relationships between one another through the interconnection of the ramps from one place to another, thus ultimately forming one unique bond.

This image illustrates Jane Goodall's quote of how people should re-establish our connections with the natural world and the Spiritual Power. Thus, I have used red lighting to symbolise this powerful connection, with the natural-looking textures on the walls and floor to illustrate our relationship with nature.

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