Wednesday, June 18, 2008



Being the CEO of the Apple company, Steve Jobs is related with the advancing technology of today, from creating computers and laptops to iPods and iPhones. In today's modern world, technology plays a huge and significant role in everyone's lives, utimately being the 'tool' in connecting everyone worldwide together. The model of Jobs' office consists of many structural lines interweaving and overlapping each other symbolising this notion of the interconnectivity of modern citizens today. The structural lines used in this model is similar to a tree's branches intertwining with each other. These interconnecting lines represent the power Jobs has to link everyone in this world together through creative and unique technological innovations, a power not everyone has.


Incorporating the company's logo, Donatella Versace's office takes on an ancient, mythical Greek monumental theme. This Greek nuance of the office portrays the rich beauty and extraordinary power of the Greek mythological gods.
The monolithic aspect of this office also highlights the power and grandeur of Versace's company, being the leader of the fashion gobal industry. The simplistic but modern design reflects the sophistication of the Versace label.

Versace's elevator consists of a catwalk that leads into the interior via the exterior of the building. By raising the catwalk high off from the ground, it portrays the dominating power of Versace, allowing her to see and control everything that are below the catwalk platform.



The rotational structure of Jobs' elevator signifies the power of technology of inevitably creating our world to revolve and circulate around it, which Jobs has reinforced through his innovational products. Moreover, the spherical shape outlines the constantly changing developments in technology that we all try to keep up with.


Versace's elevator implements the company's logo of the head of the Greek mythological goddess, Medusa, who was regarded as the most beautiful woman. Versace's relation to this particular goddess not only signifies the power of beauty, which is appropriate to their fashion industry, but also indicates the power of feminism in the modern world. Thus, Versace's elevator is a collaboration of these issues related to power.


The dining table is designed as a perfect symmetry illustrating the power of women in modern society gaining equality in this very male-dominated world, especially in high CEO positions. Versace's success in her career is very much equal to the success of Jobs, depicting their very equal powers.
The structural form of the dining table and chairs are twisted symbolising the shift and change in gender issues over history. As outlined in my MashUp article, women have caught up with men to gain higher positions and superior powers in this very tough world. The red colour of the chairs highlight this strong power of both Versace and Jobs that have impacted on the world greatly.

Tip, Trick or Technique

When using SketchUp to create models, a really useful tip is to remember to reverse all grey-coloured faces so that they are all white-coloured surfaces. This is important because when you import models containing grey faces, these grey areas will not show up in Unreal Tournament. So to make sure the whole model shows up, just right click on the grey-coloured surfaces in SketchUp and press "Reverse Faces." This then changes into a white colour, and now you will be able to enjoy the whole of your model in UT. :)

Peer Reviews of First Draft

Inspirations and Ideas

Versace's Logos and Patterns:

Draft 2

Draft 1